Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ney Park Animal Mural

Over the summer, I painted wall murals at Ney Park Nature Center in Maple Lake, MN. Here are photos from the classroom wall.

Ney Park Bird Watching Mural

Over the summer, I painted wall murals at Ney Park Nature Center in Maple Lake, MN. Here are photos from the bird watching area.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tree Cookies

Here is my latest jewelry endeavor.  I am enjoying working with wood.  I am really tired of all the "bling" in jewelry these days and decided to create a more natural look.  Some of these "Tree Cookies" as I call them are done with a wood burner, while others include a mini watercolor/drawing. 

 Ouija Sun and Moon

 The Sun and Moon

 Deer Under Full Moon

 Ouija Text

Wood Burnt Pendants

My latest charcoal drawing...

White Tails, White Ground